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Teaching & Student advising


2016-2017Attaché Temporaire d'Enseignement et de Recherche // Temporary Lecturer and Research Assistant 

Teaching assistant: 195 hours of demonstrations

  • Fieldwork in structural geology for 3rd year students

  • Metamorphic petrology for 3rd year students

  • Tectonics & structural mapping for 2nd year students

  • Geosciences for 1st year students

2013-2016: Doctorant Moniteur // Teaching during my PhD.

Teaching assistant: 208 hours of demonstrations

  • Metamorphic petrology for 3rd year students

  • Tectonics & structural mapping for 2nd year students

  • Geosciences for 1st year students 

Supervision of students

Master Students

3. Benjamin Lefeuvre (co-supervisor (10%), UPMC, 2016)

Petrological and deformation evolution of the peridotites of the Mont Albert ophiolitic complex (Gaspesie, Canada). 

Current position: PhD student in the Earth Sciences Department of Paris (ISTeP – UPMC)

2. Cécile Finco & Arthur Rambert (co-supervisor (50%), UPMC, 2015)

Petrological evolution of the low grade metamorphic sole unit of the Mont Albert ophiolitic complex (Gaspesie, Canada). 

Current position: C.F. is a PhD student in the Earth Sciences Department of Paris (IMPMC – UPMC)

1. Ella Jewison (co-supervisor (50%), UPMC, 2014)

Petrological evolution of the high grade metamorphic sole unit of the Mont Albert ophiolitic complex (Gaspesie, Canada). 

Current position: PhD student in the Earth Sciences Department of Paris (ISTeP – UPMC)

Bachelor Students

7. Leo Revire (co-supervisor (30%), UPMC, 2017)

Semi-automatic classification of element mapping: application to phase relationships in the Schistes Lustrés unit (western Alps)

6. Emma Nicolas (co-supervisor (10%), UPMC, 2016)

Study of the Cr incorporation in minerals from the Schistes Lustrés  units (western Alps) through SEM and EPMA investigations.

5. Anaïs Le Meur (co-supervisor (10%), UPMC, 2015)  

Petrological study of staurolite-bearing metasediments in the high grade metamorphic sole unit of the Mont Albert ophiolite (Gaspesie, Canada). 

4. Cécile Coutanceau (co-supervisor (50%), UPMC, 2014)  

Petrology of the metamorphic sole of Oman, Sumeini section

3. Thibault Daguenet (co-supervisor (50%), UPMC, 2014)

Metasomatism in the metamorphic sole of Oman​

2. Benjamin Lefeuvre (co-supervisor (50%), UPMC, 2014)

Petrological study of the Oman metamorphic sole.

1. Moh Belkacemi (supervisor (100%), UPMC, 2014)

Petrological study of sheared amphibolite from the base of the New Caledonian ophiolite (South West Pacific)

Université d'Orléans - ISTO

1A rue de la Ferollerie | Loiret, France

© Mathieu Soret – Update on May 2022

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